Life and Hearing Loss – part 5

Picture:  Portable peaker What I have come to realize is that people who lose their hearing later in life are reluctant to advocate for themselves. Is it because we suffer […]

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Life and Hearing Loss – Part 4

The last 14 years have been an increasing struggle. When a hearing loss reaches a certain point of severity, there are profound social consequences, which the above paragraph doesn’t begin to address.

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Life and Hearing Loss – Part 3

A year after the committee of five at Christ Church helped put the church on the path of accessibility, a new Diocesan Commission called the Bethsaida Team was formed to advocate for people with disabilities.

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Life and Hearing Loss – Part 2

After I joined and was going to church regularly, I began to realize that not much sound was coming out of the speakers. I approached Bill, the Rector, and told him that the speaker system didn't work.

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Life and Hearing Loss-Part 1

I became hearing impaired 44 years ago at the ago of 36. I had a bad case of bronchitis with a very high fever and emerged from my illness responding to my family with "what? what?" 5 or 6 times before I could grasp what they were saying to me.

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The Threat of Climate Apocolypse and the 2020 Election

Was the only thing I could do be offering a prayer and an apology?

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A Memoir of Social Transactions of the Past

I grew up in Jackson Heights, Queens, in the city of New York.

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Insecure Little Girls

The fact that FDR's new deal lifted my family's boat as it did millions of others', does not change the fact that my parents were unhappy people.

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What is a Visual Thinker, actually?

When you are a child, you don't know whether you are a type of thinker. All you know is - I think, you think, everybody thinks.

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The Ancient Mariner had an Albatross – I have a Piano

What happens when a retiring colleague starts giving away his furniture

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